African Vibes

Finally my Second post is ready! .. It was a nice day in Nairobi. We decided to pass by the monkey’s park. It was really fun, these Monkeys are used to the visitors, they would come and try to look for food in your hands or pockets hahaha. One of them was even very curious about our photo-shoot and decided to become the photographer assistant :D.

I was hesitant before buying this H&M trouser, but I thought I should give it ago and now I am totally in love with it :)… As I was heading to a meeting (not a very formal one) I’ve decided to pair it with this green H&M blazer and a simple Light Grey shirt underneath ..

For the accessories -as I was feeling the African Vibes– , I chose this Necklace and matched it with my leather gladiator. I wore my golden leaf earrings and carried my 4 pounds bag! (Yup, you can dress up and look like a Million Dollar babz for less 😉

Photography: Daniel J

I hope you are having a great time wherever you are.

The Travelling Fashionista xx



